UK phone sex with a nanny who loves her adult baby.

Do you crave the love and attention of a nanny who will care for you regardless? Do you want to let go of all your responsibilities and worries and just rest in the arms of a loving, ample breasted nanny who will smother you with adoration suffocating you in pure love. Lay in her arms like a good Adult Baby with your freshly powdered bottom all wrapped up in your nice warm nappy and feel the warmth of care from this sultry sexy figure wrap around you. Suckle on her teat and get a little tummy full of that warm booby milk like a good adult baby. Let me kiss that adorable little bottom of yours as you giggle with delight. If the stresses of your life are getting you down, why not make a call to nanny and revert back to a simpler time as a baby where you can’t do anything accept receive and experience the purest love and adoration, become an Adult baby now!

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